Reference Documents & Forms
We are proud of our homes and where we live. This is why we all agreed to certain community standards where it affects all of us, and potentially our property values.
When anyone does anything that affects the outside appearance of their property, some neighbors will love it, some will hate it, and some will be indifferent to it. Our Architectural Guideline Rules and Regulations (AGRR) and acompanying Color Palette attempt to set an objective standard. More importantly, the Architectural Review Committee Process is essential in vetting your proposed improvements with your neighbors BEFORE the work begins or is completed. The process requires you to talk with your affected neighbors about your plans, and if they have objections, you might be willing and able to compromise on the plans to your mutual satisfaction.
Your HOA Board is charged with enforcing compliance to our standards as documented here, but our strong preference is to assist you with the ARC process and have your improvement project proceed without headaches and without adverse community reaction after the fact.
Please use these reference materials to guide you as you maintain your property and develop improvement ideas.